The Pirates of Penzance 2013
The Pirates of Penzance 2013
Major-General Stanley | Keith Swetman |
The Pirate King | Ian Roberson |
Samuel (his Lieutenant) | Robin Richardson |
Frederic (the Pirate Apprentice) | Edward Saklatvala |
Sergeant of Police | Clive Swetman |
Mabel (General Stanley's daughter) | Rachel Goodchild |
Edith (General Stanley's daughter) | Victoria Seals |
Kate (General Stanley's daughter) | Torry Zglinska |
Isabel (General Stanley's daughter) | Anne Richardson |
Ruth (a piratical maid-of-all-work) | Ros Swetman |
Musical Director – Eric James
Stage Director – Margaret Collingwood
Sue Catchpole, Lesley Clarke, Teresa Clayton, Sue Coleman, Lesley Dawson, Marion Jackson, Caroline Lee, Isobel Munday, Sue Norgate, Vivienne Plunkett, Shelley Raitskin, Fran Robson, Pat Tegerdine, Julie Weston
Graham Anderton, Jim Barley, John Bill, Robert Collingwood, Derek Cousins, Martin Dyer, Andrew Goodchild, Caspar James, Larry Pendleton, Colin Plunkett, Edmund Ramsdale, Peter Ryden, Andy Weston