The Pirates of Penzance 1971
The Pirates of Penzance 1971
Major-General Stanley | George Baker |
The Pirate King | Peter Winter |
Samuel (his Lieutenant) | Colin Harris |
Frederic (the Pirate Apprentice) | Christopher Speake |
Sergeant of Police | Anthony Rush |
Mabel (General Stanley's daughter) | Coral Newell |
Edith (General Stanley's daughter) | Sylvia Briggs |
Kate (General Stanley's daughter) | Coleen Harris |
Isabel (General Stanley's daughter) | Sheila Tuffield |
Ruth (a piratical maid-of-all-work) | Catherine Taylor |
Musical Director – David Kett
Producer – Alec Court
Lily Andrews, Pam Bason, Brenda Baverstock, Mabel Bird, Winifred Buckingham, Frances Dickerson, Hilda Dickerson, Jane Dodd, Frances Fenton, Julia Hillman, Liz Hillman, Margaret Purvis, Mary Purvis, Vera Rose, Jane Rush, Doris Tuffield, Elsie Wall
Tom Ashcroft, Trevor Bason, Derek Baverstock, Noel Bird, David Brown, Harry Dawson, Percy Fenton, Jim LeGrice, Cliff Patchett, Kenneth Rose, Ernest Scott, Alfred Stannard, Rae Steward, Peter Tims, John Townshend, Roydon Tuffield