The Yeomen of the Guard

The fantastic set of Tower Green had real impact as we entered the theatre, must congratulate Designer and Builder Robin Richardson (obviously boats show the way!), and painter Colin Wilson.

A tight production under Margaret Collingwood, well cast and all in good voice for the music in this best-loved G&S. Very well acted in a flirtaceous manner, Phoebe (Ros Wright) worked well with a strong voiced Sergeant Meryll (Robert Collingwood) and all comedy exploited in those moments with Shadbolt (Clive Swetman), who was also in good voice. Patrick Monk as Fairfax sang with his usual excellence and smooth tones.

Youth and beauty and lyrical notes, what an Elsie from Rachel Weeks, and how we, as regular audiences, have watched her from promising teenager to holding her own as a principal. Janet Grant (Dame Carruthers) commanded the stage wth presence, and voice leading a strong chorus in "When our Gallant Norman Foes", and "Warders are Ye". Must particularly commend the Quartet "Strange Adventure", beautiful balance. And newcomer to the stage but not musical presence in Norfolk, Kenneth Ian Hytch was an exemplorary Jack Point, in actions and movement, in vocals and clarity of diction, a performance to relish. (But I would have liked a hat of some kind in Act 1).

Many congratulations, go on from strength to strength.

Sue du Pont - NODA